Wednesday 26 September 2007


The day had finally come when my sweet little flat was finally rid of builders and dust, and ready for Green Fingers and I to start enjoying domestic bliss together. However, I didn’t quite anticipate the stress ‘moving in’ would involve!

Pashminas and Pearls always takes great care with appearance - but this went out the window on the second trip up three flights of stairs, and too many broken nails to think about. (I was already wondering if the Nail Gallery on the Fulham Road could fit me in later today for damage control…!).

A birthday party the previous evening meant GF was feeling distinctly ‘average’ so rather than getting under my feet (and to stop him arranging too much boys ‘clutter’ around the flat) I dispatched him to Wandsworth Tip and Homebase to keep him busy for a couple of hours or so! I decided he was better off out of the way for the sake of both our sanity and our relationship!!

The hours passed quickly and by the time a tired, but excited, GF returned, you could almost have called the flat home. Thinking I had a more than ample supply of clothes, I was amazed by the competitive quantity that GF seemed to have, particularly when they started invading my side of the wardrobe! The bonus of being the ‘unpacking fairy’ is that the odd thing slips unnoticed into the charity shop pile – P and P is always one to donate to good causes!

I should’ve realised then that things were too good to be true…while emptying yet another bin bag (training has yet to begun…definite man job), the mobile and door bell went at once, just as the bottom of the bag split open – sawdust, wood shavings and rubbish everywhere. I think everyone within a three mile radius heard my expletives (which rarely happens I assure you!). GF went distinctly pale, while my mother was subjected to a torrent of abuse down the other end of the phone and was blamed for everything and anything that had gone wrong. It was a while before I realised the line had gone dead.

Deep breaths and a large vodka and slim line tonic later, the kitchen floor was clean (again!!) and D-Day was finally over. I’d planned to be the ultimate domestic goddess and effortlessly whip up a romantic dinner for two…but I’m ashamed to say that my trusted local Chinese friend, the fabulous Mandarin Star on Munster Road for you fellow Fulhamites, got an emergency call and we enjoyed our first evening together with a delicious Chinese take away and a bottle of fizz…Perfect!

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