Thursday 19 July 2007


The age old dilemma of ‘what to wear' never seems to go away, though the wardrobe and credit card bill still seems to grow. The trauma of what to wear to this week’s wedding, Ascot or a summer drinks party is enough to drive you to drink!

Shopping’s always been a huge weakness of mine; I blame my mother for passing on her excessive shopping gene. I can walk into LK Bennett with the best intensions (one pair only) and then leave half an hour later with three! (Though Pashminas and Pearls couldn't possibly be seen in only one new pair all season – what would people think?)

The week’s shopping dilemma was a new wedding outfit. After perusing the old favourites and deciding they were so last year, I came to the conclusion something new and fabulous was needed; the credit card was going to be stretched once more.

Harvey Nics, where else I hear you say, didn’t know what’d hit it. Arm in arm with fellow Fulhamite/old school chum/personal shopper, we ploughed through concession after concession. (Girls in pearls aren’t known for their adventurous fashion sense, twin sets being more the norm!)

After four hours, thirty odd dresses (I could have bought the whole of DvF) and only a couple of foot stamping episodes, ‘the dress’ was finally found. The fact it was one of the first I tried wasn’t at all frustrating for anyone…!! Teamed with, you guessed it, pearls and a pashmina, we completed the look and our achievement for the weekend. (New pumps from French Sole were perhaps a little unnecessary but very useful and go perfectly with my new pash!).

The day was finished in true Pashminas and Pearls style with cocktails and pomme frites in Sophie’s Steakhouse. The steak is to die for, but who needs chateaubriand when you’ve got strawberry daiquiris and mojitos! Within spitting distance of ‘the Borough’ what more could you want?

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